Could Your Blood Sugar Levels Be Hindering Your Exercise Performance?

If you’ve been exercising diligently but still aren’t achieving the fitness gains you’d expect, elevated blood sugar levels could be at fault, according to a study conducted by researchers affiliated with Harvard Medical School’s Joslin Diabetes Center.1 Moreover, while diet and exercise are commonly lauded as synergistic components for overall health, emerging research indicates a… Read More »

New Study Shows Link Between Testosterone and Anxiety

Researchers have recognized that testosterone plays a role in anxiety and depression-like behavior. A study1 from Ben-Gurion University in Israel used genetic sequencing to reveal the connection between a protein in the brain, low testosterone levels and anxiety, which offers a possible explanation for how testosterone affects mental health. In the U.S., anxiety disorders are… Read More »

Just How Far Will the FDA Go to Protect a Bad Drug?

In yesterday’s article, I reviewed the immensely concerning data that emerged throughout the SSRI antidepressant trials. Sadly, rather than this data being listened to, it was given a pass by the FDA, a pattern we have tragically seen occur with numerous highly lucrative pharmaceuticals. In my eyes, three things stand out about the SSRI saga.… Read More »