Author Archives: Health

A Third of COVID Survivors Have Long-Haul Symptoms

Nearly 31% of patients said they had a worse health-related quality of life now, compared to before getting COVID-19, the researchers reported. It’s not yet clear why COVID-19 causes these lasting effects. Many viruses are capable of creating what’s known as “post-viral syndrome,” which experts describe as health problems that persist long after the infection… Read More »

How chess can make you a better physician

“Checkmate,” she whispered. A silent wave swept across the tournament area. Players turned their heads in our direction, eager to see who had lost 30 seconds into the round. It was me—I had fallen victim to the infamous four-move checkmate. My opponent, a five-year-old girl who could barely reach the other side of the chessboard,… Read More »

Most Americans probably won’t be able to get a Covid-19 vaccine until mid-2021, CDC director says

“Those who are vaccine hesitant have had their hesitancy enhanced by a variety of things that are happening right now, particularly the unfortunate mix of science and politics,” Collins said at an event hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. A recent poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than… Read More »