Author Archives: Health

Altering skin pigmentation can prevent UV cancer

A skin pigmentation mechanism that can darken the color of human skin as a natural defense against ultraviolet (UV)-associated cancers has been discovered by scientists at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Mediating the biological process is an enzyme called nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT), which plays a key role in the production of melanin (a pigment… Read More »

Google Force Installs Vaccine Tracking, Tracing on Your Phone

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health partnered with Google and Apple to create a smartphone app called MassNotify, which tracks and traces people, advising users of others’ COVID-19 status. For a tool that claims to have been developed “with a focus on privacy,”1 imagine Massachusetts residents’ surprise when the app suddenly appeared on their Android… Read More »

EU Digital COVID Certificate under fire for ‘inequalities in access’

The African Union (AU) has criticised the EU’s Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC) for creating “inequalities in access” by not recognising the Covishield vaccine.   Covishield is the Indian counterpart of AstraZeneca-Oxford developed Vaxzervria and is identical to the one made in Europe. It has been widely distributed in many low and middle-income countries through the EU-supported… Read More »

Essential Reads: Recognizing Postpartum Psychosis

Essential Reads: Recognizing Postpartum Psychosis Because postpartum psychosis is a relatively rare event, we do not have as much information on this illness as we have on postpartum depression.  In addition, most of the literature we have on postpartum psychosis is not new.  A few years back, the American Journal of Psychiatry published an excellent… Read More »