Tag Archives: diet

Foods to eat for a high protien diet

This creamy spread is downright. Should protien eat less food. When you’re shopping for eggs, pay attention to the labels. Combined for a calorie-restricted diet, blackout you may have to a diet of the nuts can decrease weight more effectively than a snack comprised of authors of a review paper just two weeks warned that… Read More »

Is the fodmap diet low in acid

Gastrointestinal conditions are prevalent in the population and account for significant morbidity and healthcare costs. Patients with gastrointestinal conditions frequently use integrative medicine. There is growing evidence that integrative medicine approaches can improve symptoms and, in some cases, directly affect physiology and disease course. In this article we review the data on some of the… Read More »

Is quina good for a diet

Quinoa may be a “health food,” but that doesn’t mean you will lose weight every time you use the grain. Yes, the grain is packed with protein and loaded with essential amino acids and fiber, but once you add less virtuous, calorie- and fat-laden ingredients to the mix, those quinoa recipes you found online may… Read More »

What diet increases inflammation

Inflammation appears to play a role in cardiovascular disease, but research suggests that the Mediterranean diet, with its focus on plant-based foods and healthful increases, can reduce the effects of inflammation on the cardiovascular system. The good news: Foods that are anti-inflammatory tend to be what same foods that can help keep you healthy in… Read More »