Can the keto diet clean your arteries

Keto may help you lose weight fast, but it’s terrible for your heart health in the long term, a new study of the popular diet has found. Similarly, intermittent fasting helps people lose weight but the health effects depend largely on what people eat when they are in their “on” cycle. Both diets appear to… Read More »

Paleo vs low carb diet

What Should you Change? This is opposed to most Paleo meal plans, which offer a bit more protein, and moderate fat and carb consumption. During carb transition period, your body gets used to eating more dieh again, you may notice any or all of the following: Either a gradual or a sudden increase in energy… Read More »

When did vegan diets start

Plant Protein Month Website: plantproteinmonth. Updated October 30, You can unsubscribe at any time. Don’t try to convince a person to subscribe to a vegan lifestyle in one day. Unearthing the Ancient Roots of Vegetarianism. Sleeve length, cm. As early as BCE, Pythagoras — a Greek mathematician and philosopher — started following what could be… Read More »

Top Picks for Meditation Location in the US for a Person with Disability

Advertisements Living with a disability is not always easy. But that does not mean you cannot live a fulfilled and enjoyable life. One of the best ways to overcome challenges is by cultivating a meditation practice. What is meditation? Most people think of meditation as sitting barefoot, legs crossed and chanting ‘ohm’ for hours. Well,… Read More »

How to diet in italy

Rich with history, breathtakingly beautiful scenery and home to Florence, the birth-place of the renaissance, Italy is a truly attractive destination for those looking to immerse themselves in a vibrant and inclusive culture. With a plethora of deliciously healthy dishes to enjoy, there are plenty of ways you can maintain a healthy diet and keep… Read More »