talkhealth launches talkgreen!

By | March 10, 2021
talkgreen lauches!

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new sustainable healthcare platform talkgreen! 

talkgreen is your one-stop-shop for all things sustainable healthcare. Whether you’re new to transparency or have been going green for sometime, talkgreen helps you to put your eco-friendly foot forward. By making sense of sustainable products, transparent alternatives and planet friendly health hacks, the platform makes sustainable healthcare easy! 

We’re all doing our best to consume sustainably these days. From our clothes to our food, making ethical choices has become more and more important. Despite this, healthcare is often left behind. 

Not only does the NHS produce up to 600,000 tonnes of waste a year, we are all contributing to the healthcare carbon footprint. When we chuck away our non-biodegradable plasters, dispose of our leftover medications and buy single-use sanitary products, healthcare’s harm to the environment increases. 

At talkhealth, we know that making new, eco-friendly, habits can be tough. That’s why we want to make talkgreen as accessible as possible to you. By sharing trustworthy eco-friendly product reviews and advising on sustainable alternatives that don’t break the bank, we want to help you make sustainable choices every day.

The talkgreen hub will be updated weekly, giving you no excuse to not do your bit in making healthcare planet-friendly. 

talkgreen has healthcare’s future at its heart. The future of health is in our hands – if we all work to make sustainable changes now, we can welcome in a brighter future.

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Sustainability is evolving all of the time. With that in mind we need your help to stay on the pulse. We are currently running the first talkgreen survey where you can share your thoughts on how the platform should run. We also want to hear about how sustainable healthcare has shaped your patient journey so far and the areas that you believe need an extra nudge to become more planet conscious. 


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