Fill Up on Tea or a New Film by Steve McQueen

Here is a sampling of the week’s events and how to tune in (all times are Eastern). Note that events are subject to change after publication. Monday Follow a virtual service for Yom Kippur. Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, a synagogue in Manhattan that grew out of the L.G.B.T. community, live-streams through the blowing of the… Read More »

Multigrain oatmeal dash diet

Red meat, sweets and fats are allowed in small amounts. The DASH diet emphasizes foods that are lower in sodium as well as foods that are rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium — nutrients that help lower blood pressure. That’s generally OK, as long as the average of several days or a week is close… Read More »

Can diet cause pityriasis rosea

Most cases clear up within two months. Perfection through Photoshop? Although treatment is not necessary for pityriasis rosea, its symptoms are similar to other skin diseases, such as ringworm, that need to be treated. The exact cause of pityriasis rosea is unknown. So, Pityriasis rosea is a viral rash which usually lasts about 6—12 weeks.… Read More »

How You Can Help Prevent Suicide During the COVID-19 Pandemic

SATURDAY, Sept. 26, 2020 — Challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic may increase the risk of suicide, so it’s crucial to know the warning signs, a mental health expert says. Suicide is often preventable, because people considering suicide want help, according to Dr. Ahmad Hameed, a psychiatrist at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical… Read More »