Can diet coke put on weight

By | June 25, 2020

can diet coke put on weight

Drinking artificially sweetened drinks like Diet Coke may be worse for your waistline than full-sugar versions, an Aussie study revealed. Diet Coke may make you gain weight. Picture: iStock Source:Supplied. People who choose diet versions of their favourite soft drink over full-sugar varieties may end up gaining weight, say doctors. The study, published in the journal Current Atherosclerosis Reports, also found consuming the sweetners could be contributing to type 2 diabetes. While Diet Coke and other artificially sweetened drinks are thought to be better than full-sugar versions, research shows the sweetners in these beverages may contribute to type 2 diabetes.

A recent study analyzed the diets of 15, people and found that the risk of developing end-stage kidney disease increased with the number of glasses of diet soda consumed per week. Some use sugar and sweetener together. For my experiment, I also banned artificial sweeteners. Though both experts agree the evidence is sparse and more research is needed and in progress, they cite a few viable scientific explanations for the connection between diet soda and weight gain. Professor Peter Clifton, who led the research, said: “There has been a per cent increase in LCS usage among children and a 54 per cent increase among adults in the past 20 years. Alan Sugar. Mike is the author of Dr. In , their findings showed the consumption of these sweeteners jumped by percent in children and teenagers, from to

Coke weight put diet can on

Here are the most promising four. October 8, By Shivali Best. Diet soft drinks have the sugar content replaced by artificial sweeteners. One suggestion is that although these drinks are sugar-free, they still activate the brain’s “sugar oj pathways, so the person still has a “sweet tooth” that causes them to snack more.

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