Author Archives: Health

ICUs are nearing capacity in this French city. And it’s only September

That’s how Dr. Olivier Joannes-Boyau, head of the intensive care unit at University Hospital in the southwestern city of Bordeaux, describes the resurgence of Covid-19 in France. After young French people took advantage of the lifting of lockdown and summer months to socialize freely, Covid-19 hospitalizations have risen in large cities like Paris, Bordeaux and… Read More »

Essential Reads: Lithium and Breastfeeding

Lithium is an important treatment option for women with bipolar disorder.  Because women with bipolar disorder are at high risk for relapse during the postpartum period, we typically recommend that women continue treatment with lithium throughout the postpartum period.  While this intervention clearly decreases risk for postpartum psychiatric illness, the use of lithium while breastfeeding… Read More »