Author Archives: Health

Don’t Exercise at This Time of Day if You Want to Live Longer

Exercise is a foundational pillar of optimal health and disease prevention. A paper1 released in November 2022 found an association between the time of day that you exercise and the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke. Siim Land, an esteemed biohacker and author of “Metabolic Autophagy,” explains in this video that the data indicated… Read More »

Quercetin and Vitamin D — Allies Against Coronavirus?

As the outbreak of novel coronavirus, COVID-19,1 continues into its third year around the world,2 researchers are still feverishly searching for effective remedies, for both the original virus and its substrates. According to a February 15, 2020, Nature article,3 more than 80 clinical trials were already underway testing remedies ranging from intravenous vitamin C and… Read More »

Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

Digital identity, digital twins, programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC), a social credit system, human augmentation and the Internet of Bodies (IoB). These are all part of the dystopian future being rolled out by the globalist cabal as the “solutions” to the world’s problems. Transhumanism has long been sold as a way to make us… Read More »