Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council imposed a temporary swim ban at Seapoint Beach in south Dublin earlier today.
Following receipt of poor water quality testing results from a bathing water sample taken at Seapoint Beach last Monday, the temporary bathing Advisory Warning notice currently in place is being replaced today with a temporary bathing Prohibition Warning notice.
The County Council ask swimmers to note that swimming is prohibited until Tuesday 25th August 2020. The poor water quality results indicate an increase in the levels of bacteria found in the bathing water, as a result of overflows from the Irish Water wastewater network.
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Please note that a temporary Bathing Prohibition Notice has been issued at Seapoint beach. Swimming and bathing is prohibited from now until Tuesday 25th August. For more details click here: https://t.co/VHgltWoVHZ
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ pic.twitter.com/JmTrbiZpRf— dlrcc (@dlrcc) August 20, 2020
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council bathing water team will be liaising with Irish Water and will carry out a revised risk assessment of potential risks on Monday 24th August.
Updates will be issued here and on the county council’s social media outlets and information will be posted at each of the designated bathing areas.
An additional sample and testing of the bathing water is being carried out and results will be made available on www.beaches.ie. It is expected that these results will be available on Monday 24th August.