Easy Boxing Workout Routines to Get You Lean and Fit

By | June 1, 2021

Most people associate boxing with intense fights, bleeding noses, black eyes, and split lips. But boxing as a basic workout can also pack an effective punch to get you in lean shape.

Boxers are among the fittest athletes in the world, possessing strength, agility, endurance, nerve and power that’s almost unmatched. The good thing is, you don’t necessarily have to be a boxer to get that chiselled physique.

Ready for the challenge? Hit these easy boxing workout routines to get strong and lean. You don’t need a gym, any previous experience, or fancy kit — all you need is to eat clean, train 4-5 days a week, and put in the effort to work your way to those boxer like abs. You can even have a lot of fun while doing so.

However, it takes more than just physical activity and exercise to make the most of a boxing workout. You’re going to mimic what happens in the ring, meaning lots of fast and varied movement. A single boxing workout session can burn more than 800 calories. The training will help you improve fitness, burn body fat, get lean and become extremely strong and conditioned. It is also a great way to boost self-defence, feel positive and build athletic prowess.      

The ideal boxing workout will involve a blend of high-intensity boxing to help burn fat and strength training to build muscle. Choose exercises with low weight and high repetitions plus bodyweight and compound exercises. Such exercises strengthen muscles without gaining too much weight.

HIIT Workout

Aerobic exercises like jogging, walking, cycling are known to burn calories slowly, without helping us lose fat in target areas as much as we want. The aerobic system is a good base to build an athletic body.

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But your body will need intense anaerobic exercises like shadow boxing, hitting punch bags, circuit workouts for a much more effective fat burn and getting lean and fit.   

Boxing follows High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout which makes it excellent for getting lean and burning fat. It is a blend of aerobic and anaerobic exercises where you shuttle between fast-paced intense exercising and slow pace active recovery moments. This repetitive, start, stop form of exercise is ideal for fat burning.

Strength Training Exercises

Instead of using weights for strength training exercises, boxers incorporate fitness balls and bodyweight exercises. Fitness balls are very versatile and you can use them to work various areas of the body.

One exercise is a medicine ball push up, where in push up position, you put one hand on the ball and the other on the ground. Perform a push-up and roll the ball so it moves under your other hand. Repeat. The exercise requires a lot of core muscle strength to stabilise you.

Circuit Training for Boxing

Circuit training involves combining performing multiple exercises back to back with minimal or no rest in between.

Incorporate strength and aerobic exercises which will boost endurance while helping you gain muscle and torch fat. Include at least five exercises in a circuit — choose from jumping rope, skipping, shadow boxing, weighted punches, kettle ball swings, push-ups, and pull-ups.


Select a timer for at least 1.5 minutes for each exercise. Allow minimum rest between routines. Make sure your heart rate is between 130-150 BPM for the entire circuit.

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Boxing Workouts

Begin your boxing workout with jogging. Follow up with shadow boxing, punching the heavy bag, speed bag workouts, and also hitting focus mitts, if possible.


Try to include 3-4 days of boxing workout weekly, with the focus on high-intensity cardio exercises that will help burn the fat covering your muscles. Practice 2-3 minutes rounds of punches like jabs, hooks, uppercuts.

Exert more power and intensity as you progress. Do at least three rounds while resting for a minute or so in between. A good way to finish could be short sprints.

Find a Partner

If it gets difficult to motivate and challenge yourself to the high-intensity workouts, find a partner or trainer who can help you stay motivated while at the same time improving your techniques and reducing injury risks.

Hitting a punching bag by yourself becomes much easier than hitting against a partner because they can control the pace and can drive you out of your comfort zone.  

Get Your Diet Right

The most important aspect of a diet to lose weight is to cut out the carbs and include a lot of healthy protein and fats that will aid in muscle build and repair. Eat healthy amounts of fruits, vegetables and lean meat; avoid too many carbs like bread, aerated drinks and junks if you are serious about getting lean and fitter with boxing.

Incorporate boxing in your standard home workout to get in shape and maintain physical and mental health. Buy a couple of high-quality punch equipment and boxing gloves to get started today.

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Author Bio
Wilbert Bail is a sports and health enthusiast. He has an adventurous mind but seldom travels as he would rather be in the gym working out. He likes techie stuff and enjoys the weekend watching basketball.

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