Authentic Doctors V/S Quacks: Do You Really Know the Difference?

By | September 14, 2020

Every year thousands of people all over the world die due to wrong medical consultancy, erroneous treatment and taking wrongly prescribed medications.

The main culprits behind such incidents are unqualified medical practitioners, also known as quacks.

They are expert manipulators armed with fake degrees and medical certificates.

Doctors, as we all know, are a respected lot, who have worked hard and studied harder to earn their certificates and titles.

And truly speaking, there is nothing worse than a quack doctor who impersonates the real doctor.

In many cases, people living in Asian countries tend to consult local medical practitioners without actually knowing much about them or their qualifications.

Inexperienced and quake doctors treating patients with advanced medical conditions can lead to fatal results.

Almost 70 to 80 percent of the medical diagnostic treatment depends on the consultancy (with a certified doctor).

A professional doctor in Dubai can find the cause of the disease only after examining the patient, his symptoms and the medical diagnostic reports.

Then the treatment procedure is started to find a cure. Therefore, you must visit a verified and authentic physician in the UAE.

How to Find Authentic Medical Practitioners?

dr-doctor-women-professionalYou can find authentic doctors at Doctoruna. It is one of the best digital healthcare platforms in the UAE and many other countries across the Middle East.

If you need to find a specialist, book a reliable doctor or get an online appointment, Doctoruna is there to help you all the way.

Doctoruna App can be accessed also through mobile phones. Creating awareness about fake doctors is one way to eliminate the problem.

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Let us explore some clever ways to identify a quack doctor:


  • Check for the Displayed Degrees

Carefully study the doctor’s degree and medical specialty. Odd or strange degree names such as BEMH, GEFM, or other such titles hint at fake certificates that have been acquired from uncertain sources.

It is also mandatory for doctors to display their authentic certificates in the clinic or hospital. The absence of a framed certificate can be suspicious.

  • Registration Number

Medical colleges and universities worldwide provide registration numbers to 100% verified certificates.

Medical authorities also conduct special qualifying tests for doctors who wish to practice as a medical practitioner in a foreign country.

Fake doctors do not give any test, nor do they have a valid registration number.

  • Half Quacks

Some aspiring doctors might have given the medical examination and failed in them.

Others could be having some loopholes in their specialization qualification but maybe still pursuing a specialized medical field.

You need to check if the doctor’s degree is one that mentions the completion of any specialization medical courses.

  • Impoverished Areas

Quacks tend to practice in areas that are packed with impoverished and uneducated people. The main reason for this is to hide their identity and remain unobserved or caught by an educated public.

  • Discounted Fees

To cover their poor-quality service, these doctors may offer treatment to patients at very nominal fees. This can attract patients who do not want to spend highly on their health conditions.

Lastly, it is best not to fall for words like ‘miracle treatments’ and fast or instant results. Qualified doctors never utter such leading words.

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They will at the most say, ‘let us hope for the best’ and prescribe the medicines. The prevalence of fake doctors is a solemn reality in this world.

Everyone should be made aware of the spread of wrongful medical practices by quacks.


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