Bradykinin Hypothesis Explains COVID-19 Complexities

Genetic analysis using the Oak Ridge National Lab supercomputer called the Summit has revealed an interesting new hypothesis that helps explain the disease progression of COVID-19. A September 1, 2020, Medium article1 by Thomas Smith reviewed the findings of what is now referred to as the bradykinin hypothesis. As reported by Smith, the computer crunched… Read More »

This Is Why You Have Gray Hair

One you reach the age of 30, you have a 10% to 20% chance of graying hair with each passing decade.1 It’s a fact of life that, eventually, virtually everyone will go gray. Your hair color comes from pigment called melanin. Each hair may contain dark melanin (eumelanin) and light melanin (pheomelanin), which blend together… Read More »

Don’t Exercise at This Time of Day if You Want to Live Longer

Exercise is a foundational pillar of optimal health and disease prevention. A paper1 released in November 2022 found an association between the time of day that you exercise and the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke. Siim Land, an esteemed biohacker and author of “Metabolic Autophagy,” explains in this video that the data indicated… Read More »