There are many options for going green in your kitchen, and most of them are easy and inexpensive. From composting food scraps to setting up a recycling centre in the heart of your home, it’s never been easier to make sustainable changes that won’t cost the earth.
Here are some helpful tips and tricks from the TerraCycle team.
1. Purchase energy efficient appliances
If you’re looking to go green in your kitchen, choosing energy efficient appliances is a great place to start. Most manufacturers will have energy efficient options as they realise the importance to their customers.
When choosing new appliances, consider the ones you use the most, such as the refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave and oven. Not only will they save you money in the long run, you’ll be playing your part in helping build a sustainable future.
2. Set up a recycling centre
In order to effectively recycle at home, you need a system in place. These days, a single waste bin won’t cut it. To set up a more comprehensive waste and recycling centre, we recommend having separate bins for the different waste streams you wish to recycle.
For example, you should have one for kerbside recyclables (you might like to separate glass, cans and paper/cardboard), one for general waste, one for kitchen and household waste recyclable through Fairy’s Dish and Air Care Recycling Program and any others for the different free recycling programs you wish to collect for.
3. Compost your food scraps
Another bin you might like to add to your recycling centre is a compost bin for food scraps. There’s never been a better time to start composting.
Another bin you might like to add to your recycling centre is a compost bin for food scraps.
Whether you live in an inner city apartment or a tiny house, composting is now widely available following the invention of urban composter kits. Worm farms are also a great option for people with limited outdoor space with newer farms specifically designed for kitchens. But that’s a whole other can of worms!
4. Bring your own
This is an easy one, but many of us still forget to do it – bring your own reusable bags, cutlery, straws, takeaway containers and coffee cups with you when out and about.
Invest in a few stylish tote bags that you love then commit to leaving some in your car, in the kitchen, or somewhere in sight so you’re less likely to forget them on your next grocery shop. If you’re the type to always end up with leftovers after a meal out, try carrying a reusable takeaway container with you when you go out so you don’t end up with a cupboard full of plastic ones.

CLEAN AND GREEN: Look for energy efficient appliances for your eco-kitchen.
5. Grow your own herbs
Lastly, if you love to cook, growing your own herbs at home is a fun and eco-friendly way to make your kitchen greener.
You can certainly grow herbs outside in your garden; however, if you don’t have any outdoor space, you can grow them at home right on your kitchen countertop. Growing your own herbs is also a great way to encourage gardening and healthy eating with children.