‘Read the facts’: MP pushes anti-malaria drug

By | October 29, 2020

Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly has demanded MPs “read the facts” on hydroxychloroquine during an outburst in federal parliament.

The member for Hughes was shut down on Thursday after trying to get a medical journal about the anti-malaria drug tabled.

Mr Kelly has been criticised during the coronavirus pandemic for his online rants about the treatment spruiked by US President Donald Trump.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has strongly discouraged the used of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 unless it is being used in a clinical trial.

Mr Kelly had got up to make a personal explanation, claiming he had been misrepresented in the parliament by Labor’s health spokesman Chris Bowen – who has previously accused him of making speeches promoting “dangerous disinformation about hydroxychloroquine”.

“These were misrepresentations of my statement, I merely restated the findings of the published peer-reviewed medical journal,” Mr Kelly said.

“Published in such journals as the American Journal of Medicine, the European Journal of Medicine.

“The member for McMahon and Senator (Kristina) Keneally are certainly entitled to their own opinion.

“But unless they are prepared to argue that they know better than the … professors…”

Speaker Tony Smith swiftly told Mr Kelly he needed to wrap up saying it was not an opportunity for another debate.

“He has stated where he believes he has been misrepresented and that is the end of the matter,” Mr Smith said.

The House of Representatives erupted as Mr Kelly then attempted to table the peer-reviewed medical journal.

“Read the facts,” Mr Kelly yelled before being told to sit down or leave the chamber, which he did.

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Labor leader Anthony Albanese was among MPs interjecting Mr Kelly’s speech saying the move was a “public health danger”.

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